

There are only two existing manufacturers of bitcoin mining hardware. BitFury and BitMain. BitFury does not sell to the public, leaving 70% of the mining hardware market to BitMain. This is a serious marketing opportunity. Vortex has aggressive plans to disrupt this space by releasing a competitive product for internal use and retail/wholesale channels to facilitate wider consumer adoption.

Current untapped technologies will allow Vortex to market a sub-$500 device that is quiet, user-friendly, and designed to return greater than 40% ROI to regular consumers as easily as using a smartphone or other “internet of things” appliance. We believe this untapped market is significantly greater than 100,000,000 units at a $50 per-unit profit, resulting in a (5) Five Billion Dollar return in less than 2 years.

We have 3 additional devices in early development, which can perform at similar numbers and which can be designed, and then released concurrently with this appliance because they are in entirely different market niches.